World day of television
In 1997 in the African state of Benin the real monkey was arrested for theft of the television antenna. On average in Great Britain the person spends in front of the TV set about four hours a day.

On project data of, in 2002, telling the message on the occasion of the World day of television by the UN Secretary General are expressly that annual carrying out this Day first of all it shall be directed to drawing attention of the general public to a role of TV broadcasting in the light of advance of the world and development. That the television, as well as other mass media, shall care permanently about NOT distribution of the ideas of intolerance, negative stereotypes and destructive inhuman materials. It is difficult not to agree with it, popularity of these mass media is so big that any attempts of its irresponsible use can do irreparable harm to our society, undermine the general confidence and cause a public response. The history of television knows different examples, analyzing which it is single-digit possible to draw a conclusion that morality and objectivity, along with a wide information flow, actively promotes stability and wellbeing in any society. The responsible attitude to the offered material strengthens good-neighbourhood, develops cultural traditions and enriches a mental outlook.
In the World day of television we join to this positive initiative and we wish all who anyway connected the professional activity to TV broadcasting, health and the good ideas, bright material and creative achievements! Well, and to us to the audience, good mood and pleasant pastime быля our blue screens! With Day of television you!
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