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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

History of Kiev

         Cue, Cheeks, Horiv and LYBED
The city of Kiev, one of the largest cities of Europe, lies on both coast of Dnieper, confluences of the left inflow of Desna are lower. The northern part of the city is located on Polesia Lowland, southwest (right-bank) on the Dnieper height, southeast (left-bank) — on Dnieper Lowland. The history of Kiev in detail Kiev is mentioned In chronicles since 860.
Pioneer settlements in the territory of modern Kiev arose from 1500 to 2000 years ago. on the Old Kiev mountain (where now the Historical museum). According to a legend, at the end of V — the beginning of the 6th century of our era brothers the Cue, Cheeks and Horiv and their sister Lybed chose the place on slopes of Dnieper and founded the city on the abrupt right coast and called it in honor of the elder brother, Kiev. Exactly from now on the continuous history of Kiev which by the X century became the capital of the huge state and turned into the influential political center of Europe is traced. The place for the city was chosen successfully: high slopes of Dnieper served good sewn up from attacks of nomad tribes. To ІХ century the city expanded: all slopes around the Old Kiev mountain and the Hem were already made habitable. The wealth and influence of Kiev was connected with trade. It stood on the intersection of the international trade ways — legendary "from the Varangian in Greeks", i.e. from Baltic to Constantinople, and the second the largest — from Regensburg through Prague, Kiev and further to Central Asia and Iran. Actively Kiev and with England traded.
History of the city of Kiev — the capital of Kievan Rus'

From the IX and before the beginning of the 13th century Kiev — the capital of Russia, the state education of east Slavs and russ.
In 882 g in Kiev there is a change of dynasties. Oleg enters Kiev with the army (Prophetic). Having invited princes Askold and Deere to the Ugrian mountain to feast (this place is under Slava Square on Pechersk where and now there is Askoldov a mystery of emergence of Kiyevaogil), Oleg kills them and begins to govern in Kiev. He won the territories surrounding Kiev and subordinated to himself the tribes living in them, thereby having united Russia.

At the end of the 9th century AD when the Kiev princes managed to unite, at last, under the power the scattered and separate tribes, Kiev becomes the political and cultural center of east Slavs, the capital of Kievan Rus' — the Old Slavic feudal state. Owing to the arrangement on the trade ways "from the Varangian in Greeks", Kiev long time supported strong political and economic relations with the countries of Central and Western Europe.

Influence and value of Kiev are demonstrated by numerous family relations of the Kiev princes with reigning houses of Europe. The tsarevna Anna, the sister of the Byzantine emperors, refused to the emperor Otton II in favor of the prince of Vladimir (980 — 1015), the baptist of Russia. The Kiev prince Yaroslav the Wise (1019 — 1054) was married to the daughter of the Swedish king, his son Vsevolod I — to the daughter of the Byzantine emperor Konstantin Monomakh. Yaroslav the Wise's daughter Elizabeth married the Norwegian prince Garald. Anastasia married Andrey Vengersky, and Anna — the French king Henry I. After his death Anna operated France as the regent and became history of France as Anna Russkaya, the queen French (Anne de Russie Reine de France). Vladimir Monomakh (1113 — 1125) was married a pas of the daughter of the English king.

Kiev begins to develop especially violently in times of government of Vladimir Veliky (980 — 1015). For strengthening of unity of Kievan Rus' and increase in its influence on the international scene, the prince Vladimir in 988 g christened Russia. The Christianity brought to Kievan Rus' considerable political benefits and served as an impulse for further development of writing and culture. At Vladimir Veliky in Kiev the first stone temple — Tithe church was built.

In H_ century the square of the city promptly increases. It is a century of a construction boom in Russia. Are based the Kyiv Pechersk and Klovsky monastery, strengthenings around Kiev, the Sofiyevsky cathedral, Golden Gate are based. ХІ — X ІІ are considered the 1st century as blossoming of the city in spite of the fact that Kievan Rus' has not the best times. The city totals 50 thousand inhabitants that is an excellent indicator of its development. For an example: London at the same time totaled 20 thousand inhabitants, and Novgorod — 35. The majority of the European capitals reached line in 50 thousand inhabitants only in 200-300 years. In X ІІ century Kiev was one of the largest and most beautiful cities and the capital of one of the strongest world states for that time. In those days the city becomes the arena of race for power between princes, constantly passes from hand to hand, but, despite it, isn't exposed to ruin. Kiev remains the capital of Russia and possession of it is extremely tempting for applicants.

At Yaroslav the Wise's government Kiev becomes one of the largest centers of a civilization in the Christian world. In those days the city contained about 400 churches, 8 markets and more than 50 000 inhabitants. Kiev was among the most prospering craft and shopping centers of Europe. From the Western European cities on the number of inhabitants it conceded only to 100-thousand Paris. Rapid development of Kiev was interrupted with the Tatar-Mongolian invasion therefore in 1240 the city was destroyed and plundered.
Capital of the Soviet Ukraine
In 1921 Ukraine is a part of the USSR. In the 30th years mass repressions began. Then the city strongly was damaged. The huge number of beautiful temples was destroyed (Tithe, St. Nicholas Church, Florovsky monastery, structures of the Vydubetsky monastery). Total of the lost cult constructions — about one hundred.

In 1922 the Soviet Union which part also the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic was was created. Formally — as the sovereign power as a part of federation, actually all power was delegated to the center, and the USSR became the totalitarian country.

At Stalin the best shots of the Ukrainian science and culture, numerous representatives of the technical, creative and military intellectuals got under millstones of GULAG and finished the course of life on the Siberian tree fellings and in ice heathlands of Magadan.

During World War II Kiev was almost completely destroyed. 72 days heroic defense of Kiev against fascist invaders continued, but the opponent was stronger. On September 19, 1941 troops of Nazi Germany entered the city. The tragedy of Babi Yar, the Kiev natural boundary which Hitlerites turned into the place of mass executions is widely known. Besides, Nazis built two more concentration camps in the neighborhood of the city. In them for years of war more than 200.000 people — the Soviet prisoners of war and civilians were in total tortured. More than 100 000 people were sent from Kiev for forced labor to Germany. The city was freed on November 6 the big losses at the cost of 1943 g and human lives.

At fights the city strongly was damaged. The Khreshchatyk was almost completely destroyed, the Hem, Pechersk strongly suffered.

After war restoration of the city begins. Old buildings are restored, new are built. In the 50-60th years the territory of Kiev considerably increases. There is an area Old Darnitsa on the left coast of Dnieper, constructed by captured Germans. In the seventies there are Dnieper, Vatutinsky district, Obolon, the Kharkiv massif, Rusanovka.

After fall of the USSR Kiev becomes the capital of Ukraine again. The city begins to be put in order. Restore and restore churches. Build up Assumption Cathedral. But much of historical heritage of the last centuries in the image of the city was irrevocably lost.

Capital of independent Ukraine

Now Kiev — the capital of independent Ukraine and the largest administrative center. In Kiev the President, the Supreme Council, the Government, practically all ministries and departments of Ukraine are and work.

In Kiev the powerful economic potential consisting of the diversified industry, a construction complex, the developed system of branches of municipal services, vehicles, systems of modern communication, etc. is concentrated. More than 485 large industrial enterprises, thousands of small and joint ventures, construction organizations, organizations of transport, communication work, the powerful construction complex was created: about 200 contract construction organizations, a significant amount of the design and prospecting enterprises, nearly one and a half thousand small construction enterprises and cooperatives work. In Kiev the wide network of city transport functions.
Economic development of Kiev, expansion of foreign economic relations are promoted by its arrangement at the intersection of numerous transport means of communication: water, railway, automobile, air. They pass from the West to the east (from the countries of Western and Central Europe to Russia, to the Caucasus), and also from the North to the south (from Russia, Belarus, the Baltic States and Scandinavia to Southeast Europe). Recently transformation of Kiev to large knot of air transport happens the accelerated rates. The Kiev airport (Zhulyana) and the largest international airport of the country — Boryspil function.

In Kiev a significant amount of historical, cultural and architectural monuments which are carefully protected by the city authorities is located, are restored and restored. The capital of Ukraine is sated to a large extent, than other cities of our state, with institutions of science, education, culture and art.

The city is one of the largest scientific centers of Europe. In Kiev the National academy of Sciences of Ukraine and most its institutes are located, many of which have world famous schools of sciences; here 277 independent research and 38 independent design organizations, and also 18 leaders of higher education institutions of Ukraine work. In Kiev 457 general education institutions function.

The capital of Ukraine has high cultural potential: 31 museums, 33 theaters, 36 movie theaters, significant amount of permanent art exhibitions. The most known museums: National museum of history of Ukraine, Museum of the Ukrainian fine arts, Museum of the western and east art.

Historical building of the city occupies more than 6 thousand hectares. In the central historical part of Kiev three reserves are concentrated: National historical and architectural park "Ancient Kiev"; National reserve "Sofia Kiyevskaya", Kyiv Pechersk national historical and architectural reserve. Besides, in the territory of the city are: 6 architectural and 8 archaeological reserves. Under protection of the state there are 3736 monuments of archeology, stories, architecture and town-planning, monumental art. From their number 243 monuments have the status of monuments of the state value, including 51 monuments of the international value (by definition of UNESCO).

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