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Friday, November 25, 2016

Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933. not for the faint-hearted!!!

Today Ukraine and the world remember the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 - genocide of the Ukrainian people organized by the mode of the Soviet Union. Today, in memory of millions of the dead there will take place processions worldwide. The stock "Light a Candle" which became to traditional will begin at 16:00 on the Kiev time. At 19:32 the country will observe a minute of silence the victims.

The mass hunger which captured all territory of the Ukrainian SSR in 1932 — 1933, being a part of the general hunger to the USSR 1932 — 1933 which entailed considerable loss of human life which peak fell on the first half of 1933 and also, according to supporters of the theory of deliberate nature of hunger against only Ukrainians, being genocide of the Ukrainian people. According to the last estimates published in 2015 by Institute of history of Ukraine and supported by a number of specialists historians of the western scientific centers, demographic losses for hunger of 1932 — 1933 in the territory of the Ukrainian SSR made 3,9 million people as a result of supermortality (excess of the actual number of death in comparison with a settlement indicator for usual conditions), and also 0,6 million people due to decrease in the number of the been born children connected with hunger consequences.

In Ukraine the idea is widespread that hunger of 1932 — 1933 was a consequence anti-Ukrainian, consciously genocidal, politicians of Moscow, got including into scientific community. At the same time it is suppressed that in just the population of the North Caucasus, the Volga region, Kazakhstan and other areas as hunger at that moment reigned on huge spaces fell into the same state and died a set both Ukrainians, and Russians, Kazakhs and people of other nationality. Indirectly, that the United Nations was guided by such reasons, the fact that in 2008 the world community didn't admit the fact of genocide of the Ukrainian people demonstrates. (The USA and Great Britain voted for such recognition, but they appeared in minority).

According to the report of the International conference "Historical and Political Problem of Mass Hunger in the USSR of the 30th Years" (2008, Moscow):

It isn't enough to tell that any document confirming the concept "Famine-Genocide genocide" in Ukraine or at least a hint in documents on ethnic motives of the incident including in Ukraine isn't found. All document file demonstrates that the enemy not on an ethnic sign, and by sign class [28] was the main enemy of the Soviet power at that time.
At the same time it should be noted that the Holodomor is officially recognized by the act of genocide by 14 states (the USA, Estonia, Australia, Canada, Hungary, Lithuania, Georgia, Poland, Peru, Paraguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico and Latvia) that makes 7% of total number of the countries of members of the UN. Memory of the victims of the Holodomor was officially honored by 5 more countries (Argentina, Spain, Chile, Slovakia and Russia), in Russia designation of "memory of the victims of mass hunger of 1932 — 1933" is applied
five terrible facts about genocide
1. Death toll

It isn't possible to count the exact number of the victims. Experts and historians say that in the majority contemporary records about the dead during this period of time in Ukraine were or are destroyed in the USSR, or forged - in large quantities attributed to the dead as a result of hunger in passionals death from cardiac diseases, or from any other, not connected with organism exhaustion.
The Ukrainian historians give different numbers of the victims of the Holodomor. At the same time it is accepted to consider also the potential number of not been born Ukrainians. In this case the figure reaches 12 million people. Directly during 1932-1933 from 4 to 8 million people died. So, for example, the historian Yury Shapoval and his colleague Stanislav Kulchitsky in the publications speak about 4,5 million victims during this period. Historians emphasize: in peace 1932-33 of Ukrainians died more, than in World War II (about 5 million civilian population).
2. Protected and selected
Organizers and performers of massacre by hunger in 1932-1933 took away the harvest and a livestock necessary for survival from peasants historians note. Artificially created hunger was supported by blockade and isolation of territories in distress. Roads on which peasants tried to reach the cities were blocked. Paramilitary forces surrounded settlements, detained or shot all who tried to be saved from starvation.

3. Hundreds of thousands of died children

In November of last year in Kiev several thousands of people held a procession to memory of the children who died starvation. Columns were ahead little Ukrainians with wheat cones in hands. Other participants of the action bore 500 not lit candles with black tapes, the symbolizing not past lifes. Organizers of a procession noted that Ukrainians aged from 6 months up to 17 years made about a half of all victims of the Holodomor.

4. Hundreds of streets with names of authors of the Holodomor
In January, 2010 the Court of Appeal of Kiev recognized seven Soviet heads as responsible for the organization of genocide of Ukrainians. Among them - the secretary general of the All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks) of the Central Committee Stalin, the head of Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Molotov, secretaries of the All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks) of the Central Committee Kaganovich and Postyshev, the secretary general of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine Kosior, his second secretary Hatayevich and the head of Council of People's Commissars of USSR Chubar.
Despite the court verdict still in Ukraine there are hundreds of streets bearing names of organizers of genocide. Any politician isn't made for denial of genocide responsible.
5. Famine-Genocide is thrown out from textbooks

The power continues to rewrite textbooks, reducing and throwing out from them this subject. According to polls, most of citizens of Ukraine - 59% - are convinced that the Holodomor was not just Stalin's crime, and genocide of the Ukrainian people. The president Yanukovych considers such opinion "unfair". Upon the demand of the Minister of Education Dmitry Tabachnyk from textbooks cleaned the term "genocide". The pro-Russian historians and politicians deny ethnic character of the Holodomor and insist that terror by hunger was directed against a social group hostile to the Soviet power - the peasantry.
Let's remind that the fact of politically organized Holodomor in Ukraine is admitted in more than hundred states of the world. The European Union called the Holodomor a crime against humanity. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) called the Holodomor a crime of communist regime. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) called the Holodomor result of criminal acts and policy of totalitarian regime of Stalin. The United Nations (UN) defined the Holodomor as the national tragedy of the Ukrainian people.

A number of the states and churches recognized the Holodomor of 1932-1933 as genocide of the Ukrainian people. Among them - Catholic church, Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow patriarchy, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev patriarchy, and also the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church.

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