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Saturday, December 3, 2016

Kievan Rus' PART TWO

Political and management system of Kievan Rus'. The political and management system of Kievan Rus' was based on princely druzhinnom the device for continuous preservation of self-government institutions of city and rural communities. Communities united in the volost - administrative and territorial units which included the cities and rural districts. Groups of volosts united to lands. Kievan Rus' was created as the individual monarchy. The grand duke Kiev which concentrated all completeness of the legislative, executive, judicial and military power in the hands was the head of the state. Advisers to the prince were "princely men" from a top of his team who received the voivode's title, and from 11th century they were called boyars. Over time there were dynasties of the boyars holding important state positions.
Internal government was exercised by numerous princely managers (posadnik, tysyatsky, butlers, tiuna, etc.). The princely power leaned on the constant military organization - a team. Druzhinnikam-posadnikam certain volosts, the cities and lands were charged in management. The national militia was formed by the decimal principle. Were at the head of separate divisions the foreman, sotsky, tysyatsky. "Thousand" made a military administrative unit. In the 12-13th centuries the form of the state changed. The relations between certain principalities developed on the principles of federation or confederation.
Social structure of Kievan Rus'. The social structure of Kievan Rus' answered its economic system. The ascendent position was held by voivodes (boyars), tysyatsky, sotsky, tiuna, the ognishchena, rural heads, a city top. The free category of rural producers was called smerda, is feudal the dependent population in Kievan Rus' there were ryadovich, purchases and derelicts. Lackeys and servants were on position of slaves.
Political dissociation of Kievan Rus' and its consequence. Kievan Rus' was one of the powerful states of the time that considerably influenced development of European civilization, however after the death of the son Vladimir Monomakh Mstislav of Vladimirovich (1132) it began to lose the political unity and was divided into 15 principalities and lands. Among them and influential the Kiev, Chernihiv, Vladimiro-Suzdalsky, Novgorod, Smolensk, Polotsk and Galitsky principalities were large.
Political prerequisites of dissociation were such:
- the succession to the throne among princes of Kievan Rus' was a miscellaneous: in one lands the power was delegated from the father to the son, in others - from the elder brother to younger;
- political connections between separate feudal possession and certain lands were weakened, development of certain lands led to emergence of local separatism;
- in certain lands the local nobility for ensuring protection of the rights demanded the strong power of the prince; with another - the real power of specific princes and boyars amplified, the power of the Kiev prince was weakened, many boyars put local interests above nation-wide;
- in the Kiev principality own dynasty as for possession of Kiev representatives of all princely childbirth combated wasn't created;
- expansion of nomads on Russian lands amplified.
Social and economic prerequisites of dissociation:
- the natural nature of economy of the Kiev state led to weakening of economic, commercial relations between certain lands;
- promptly the cities which became the political, economic and cultural centers of principalities developed;
- transformation of conditional land tenure of specific nobility in hereditary considerably strengthened an economic role of the local nobility who didn't wish to share the power;
- change of a trade environment owing to what Kiev lost a role of the center of trade, and Western Europe began to trade directly with a close descent.
Modern researches of scientists prove that feudal dissociation is a natural stage in development of medieval society. That circumstance that all people and the states of Europe endured it also testifies to it. Dissociation was caused by further feudalization of Old Russian society, distribution of social and economic development on places. If earlier Kiev was the center of all socioeconomic, political, cultural and ideological life of the country, then from the middle of the 12th century other centers already competed to it: old - Novgorod, Smolensk, Polotsk - and new - Vladimir - on - Klyazma and Galich.
Russia was torn apart by princely civil strifes, big and little wars, constantly went between feudal lords. However contrary to popular belief the Old Russian State didn't break up. It only changed a form: to the place of the individual monarchy the monarchy federal at which Russia the group of the most influential and strong princes in common ruled came. Historians call such way of government of "collective sovereignty".
Dissociation weakened the state politically, but promoted development of economy and culture on places. It, to a certain extent, laid the foundation of three East Slavic nationalities: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. The period the termination of dissociation on East Slavic lands it is considered to be the last decades of the 15th century when it was formed the Russian centralized State, and the Ukrainian and Belarusian lands got under the power of Lithuania, Poland, Hungary and Moldova.
8. Value of Kievan Rus'. Value of Kievan Rus' consists in the following:
a) Kievan Rus' became the first state of east Slavs, accelerated development of the last stage of development of a primitive-communal system into more progressive feudal; this process created favorable conditions for development of economy and culture; M. Grushevsky claimed: "Kievan Rus' is the first form of the Ukrainian statehood";
b) formation of Kievan Rus' promoted strengthening of defense capability of the East Slavic population, having prevented its physical destruction from nomads (Pechenegs, Cumans, etc.);
c) the Old Russian nationality on the basis of a community of the territory, language, culture, a mental warehouse was created;
d) Kievan Rus' lifted authority of east Slavs on Europe; the international value of Kievan Rus' consists that it affected political events and the international relations in Europe and Asia, in the Middle East; the Russian princes supported political, economic, dynastic connections with France, Sweden, England, Poland, Hungary, Norway, Byzantium;
e) Kievan Rus' laid the foundation for statehood not only the Slavic, but also non Slavic people (the Finno-Ugrian population of the North and др...);
e) Kievan Rus' acted as east outpost of the European Christian world, it constrained advance of hordes of steppe nomads, weakened their impact to Byzantium and the countries of Central Europe.

During the historical period of Kievan Rus' to the Dnieper Bank, in Galichina and on Volyna, in Black Sea Coast and Priazovye traditions of independent statehood in the territory of Ukraine were put. The territory of Kyivshchyna, Pereyaslavshchina, Chernigovo-Sivershchina, Podoliya, Galicia and Volhynia was the historic center of formation of the Ukrainian nationality. From 12th century in this territory the name "Ukraine" extends. In the course of disintegration of the Kiev state the Ukrainian nationality became an ethnic basis of lands principalities of Southwest Russia in the 12-14th centuries: Kiev, Pereyaslavsky, Chernihiv, Seversk, Galitsky, Volynsk. So, Kievan Rus' was a form of social and economic and state development of the Ukrainian ethnos. The direct successor of Kievan Rus' became Galitsko-Volynsky the knyazhestvo.evropeysky Christian world, it constrained advance of hordes of steppe nomads, weakened their impact to Byzantium and the countries of Central Europe.

Part One -

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