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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Kievan Rus' PART ONE

In the history of Kievan Rus' it is possible to allocate three consecutive periods:
- the emergence period, both formation, and evolution of government institutions, chronologically covers the end of IX - the end of the 10th century;
- the period of the greatest rise and development of Kievan Rus' (the end of X - the middle of the 11th century)
- the period of political dissociation of Kievan Rus' (the end of XI - the middle of the 13th century).
Origin of the names "Kievan Rus'" and "Rus-Ukraine". The state of east Slavs was called Kievan Rus, or Rus-Ukraine. About an origin and a definition of the name "Russia" researchers have no consensus. There are several versions:
- rusam called tribes of Normans (Varangians) - they founded the state of Slavs and from them the name "Russian land" went; such theory arose in the 18th century in Germany and received the name "Norman", her authors are historians G. Bayer and G. Miller, call their followers and adherents normanist;
- rusa - the Slavic tribes living on average the Dnieper Current;
- Rus is an ancient Slavic deity from which there was a name of the state;
- a rusa - in praslavyansky the river language (from here and the name "course").
The Ukrainian historians in general adhere the antinormanskikh of views, though don't deny the significant contribution of Varangian princes and troops to formation of the political system of Kievan Rus'.
Russia, Russian land in their opinion:
- name of the territory of Kyivshchyna, Chernihivshchyna, Pereyaslavshchina (earth of glades, northerners, Drevlyans);
- the name of tribes which lived on coast of the rivers Ros, Rosava, Rostavitsya, Roska, etc.;
- the name of the Kiev state since 9th century.
The name "Ukraine" (the region, the region) means the territory which was a basis of Kievan Rus' in the 11-12th centuries. For the first time this term is used in the Kiev chronicle in 1187 concerning lands of the Southern Kyivshchyna and Pereyaslavshchina.
Emergence of Kievan Rus'. Before formation of the state in the territory of future Kievan Rus' lived:
a) East Slavic tribes - ancestors of Ukrainians - Drevlyans, a glade, northerners, the volynena (duliba), tiverets, white Croats;
b) East Slavic tribes - ancestors of Belarusians - a dregovicha, the polochena;
c) East Slavic tribes - ancestors of Russians - Krivichi, radimich, the slovena, residents of Vyatka.
Main prerequisites of formation of East Slavic statehood:
- for the beginning of the 8th century in general process of resettlement of Slavs and creation of territorially certain big and small unions of tribes came to the end;
- existence in the East Slavic unions of tribes of certain local distinctions in culture and life;
- gradual development of the unions of tribes into breeding principalities - the pre-state associations of higher level preceding emergence of the East Slavic state;
- formation at a boundary of the 8-9th century around Kiev the first East Slavic state which experts conditionally call the Kiev principality Askolda.
It is possible to allocate the following main stages of process of association of east Slavs to one state:
a) creation of the principality (state) with the capital in Kiev; rusa, northerners, dregovich, the polochena were a part of this state to a glade;
b) seizure of power in Kiev the Novgorod prince Oleg (882 g) under the power of whom there was a part of Slavic tribes before;

c) association of almost all East Slavic tribes to the uniform state Kievan Rus'.

First Slavic princes:
- the prince Ky (semi-legendary) is the leader of the union of tribes of glades, the founder of Kiev (on a legend, together with brothers Shchek, Horiv and the sister Lybedyyu in the 5-6th century);
- the prince Rurik - an annalistic mention of it in "The story of temporary years", is told calling in 862 g by Novgorodians of "Varangians" of Rurik with army;.
- princes Askold and Deere conquered Kiev in the second half of the 9th century, according to annalistic data Askold and Deere were boyars of the prince Rurik;
- after the death of the Novgorod prince Rurik (879 g) to majority of his son Igor Oleg became the actual governor of the Novgorod earth;
- in 882 Oleg took Kiev, the Kiev brothers Askold and Deere were on his order killed; the beginning of board in Kiev dynasties of Ryurik dynasty; many researchers consider the prince Oleg the direct founder of Kievan Rus'.
Economic development of Kievan Rus'. The leading place in economy of the Kiev state was taken by agriculture which developed according to an environment. In a forest-steppe zone of Kievan Rus' the fire-podsechnaya system of processing of the earth, and in steppe refalse was applied. Farmers used perfect instruments of labor: a plow, harrows, shovels, braids, sickles, they sowed cereals and commercial crops. Considerable development was reached by cattle breeding. Hunting, fishery, a bortnichestvo kept the value.
Originally in the Old Russian state land tenure of free community members prevailed, and from 11th century feudal land tenure - an ancestral lands which was descended gradually is formed and amplifies. The important place in economy of Kievan Rus' was taken by craft. From now on over 60 types of craft specialties are known. Through the Old Russian state trade ways lay: for example, "from the Varangian in Greeks", connecting Russia to Scandinavia and the countries of the Black Sea basin. In Kievan Rus' stamping of coins - silversmiths and zlotnik was begun. The number of the cities - from 20 (the 9-10th centuries), 32 (11th century) to 300 grew in the Russian state (13th century).

c) association of almost all East Slavic tribes to the uniform state Kievan Rus'.

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