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Thursday, November 17, 2016

What teach children in kindergarten to?

It appears, today in education the program of development of children of the advanced preschool age "Sure start" works.
The program is designed for children, since five-year age and irrespective of where they are - in kindergarten or houses - it provides several various directions providing all-round development of the child - physical, informative, art and esthetic and emotional and personal.

Physical development assumes not only a spring ability of the kid, his endurance, dexterity and ability to carry out exercises, but also certain knowledge in this area. The child has to know and understand what is a healthy lifestyle, healthy nutrition, to be able to behave in extreme situations - to cause the emergency services of rescue. To all other it is necessary to teach to serve it independently itself, to own the main hygienic skills.

Informative development includes knowledge from the field of natural study, the world around, legal culture - the child has to have an idea of what is the law and why it it is impossible to break, nobility and understand moral standards, in simple terms, - to distinguish, "that it is good and that it is bad". Let's add social knowledge (concepts "family", "relatives", "kindergarten", "school"), geographical concepts ("my city", "my country", "my street") here.

And, perhaps, the question which is the most discussed and concerning parents - whether the child has to be able to read, going to school? In criteria for evaluation of knowledge of children, according to the program of preschool preparation, the child can be interested in reading, do the first attempts in this direction is monosyllables (the house, smoke, etc.), the main emphasis is the share of the sound-alphabetic analysis of words, but not of reading. He has to be guided on the page of the book, an album and notebook. It is sure to carry out graphic tasks, coordinating at the same time the movements and that is important, - has to be able to sit correctly at a table, to hold a pencil, the handle in hand, to know letters, to hear sounds in the word, namely it is a basis for reading and the competent letter. Knowledge of sounds, letters, ability to merge sounds in syllables, elementary tasks on logic and into the account, a sufficient lexicon, the developed oral speech and any letter - quite so in general looks list of what the child after the termination of preschool educational institution has to be able to do. According to the Sure Start program, have to teach all this in kindergarten. But even in case training happens in house conditions, parents can adopt it and develop the kid independently.
However it is necessary to remember that along with intellectual, much attention has to be paid also to personal development of the preschool child, namely development of feelings and emotions that will allow it to develop harmoniously.

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