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Friday, November 18, 2016

King Danilo Galizcy

Times of government of Daniil Galitsky are time of the most economic and cultural rise and political influence of the Galitsko-Volynsky state, became the largest state of Europe.

In the West city of Galich 1201 in a family of the prince Roman Bolshy the eldest son Daniil was born, will become future governor of one of the largest states of Europe of that time.

Daniil's father is Roman Mstislavich, the outstanding personality from a dynasty of Ryurik dynasty, was read by contemporaries the most powerful of all Russian princes of the end of XII-of the beginning of the 13th century for what it was nicknamed "By Veliky the duke Kiev". Also the patriarch of a local ruling kind Romanovichey was a founder of the Galitsko-Volynsky principality. About Daniil's mother there aren't enough data and the confirmed facts, in it is historical sources anywhere the name of the wife of Roman Mstislavich isn't told. Chroniclers called it only by the name of the husband - "The Grand Duchess Romanova". Some historians read that Vasilka Romanovichey the second wife of Roman Veliky - Efrosinya-Anna, coming from an ancient noble family was mother of princes of Daniil and and was a daughter of the Byzantine emperor Isaak IYA Angel.

In four years, after Daniil's birth, Roman Bolshoy died and the princess Anna with juvenile sons moved from Galich to Vladimir on Volhynia where her husband was buried. In 1206 the widow Efrosinya-Anna together with the younger son prince Vasily went to Krakow, and sent high Daniil to the yard of the Hungarian king for 6 years. As juvenile princes Daniil and Vasylko couldn't hold the power in the hands, instead of them till 1215 their mother governs. When the prince Daniil reached the 18 anniversary and began to rule in Vladimir independently, then the princess Efrosiniya-Anna left a throne and went to the monastery.

Roman Veliky's death caused quarrels for the earth between princes and boyars, the Polish and Hungarian feudal lords who afterwards and captured Galichina. But Daniil and Vasylko weren't going to be reconciled with it and afterwards began the long fight for fatherly inheritance. "To gather" Roman Veliky's possession, at first Volhynia, and then the city of Galich and a part of Galicia, was required to the prince Daniil Galitsky 40 years.

Only in 1245 after the victory over the Polish-Hungarian troops under Yaroslav, Daniil Romanovich finally returned himself all Galicia. He built the cities locks and fortresses in Kamenets-Litovsky, Brest, Bilan, Kamentsa Podolsk, Hotin, delivered the posadnik and military garrisons there. These cities defined boundaries of the state, served as a powerful barrier on the way of the Tatar and other conquerors which so never and could capture some of them. Daniil Romanovich was a founder of several cities, one of them called by the name of the son - Lev.

To again created cities invited handicraftsmen and merchants from Poland, Germany, other lands of Russia. They had an opportunity to work freely in favor of the state under Danila Romanovich's tenure of office. The Galitsko-volynsky state turned into the country which exported not only wax and fur, and began to take out craft products to Europe. Through the city of Dorogichin protected by Danila from encroachments of crusaders, local merchants had an output to one of the greatest shopping centers of that time - the Polish city of Torun. Danila can be read the first domestic statesman who embodied the program of progressive economic development of the lands. Thanks to wise state policy Danila Romanovich managed to save the state from destruction by Mongol Tatars. It actually didn't obey the authorities of the Golden Horde.

In December, 1253 (January, 1254) in the city of Dorogochin_ the remarkable historical event took place. The Pope Innokenti IV provided to Danila Galitskoy a royal title. The papal legate spread Danila Romanovich which accepted royal difference "from all the bishops", emphasizing with it that not only he is crowned, and Russia.

The state which was headed by the king Danila embraced the territory almost in 200 stings of and enveloped the modern Volynsk, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Chernivtsi, to Hmelnitsk, the considerable parts Rivne, Vinnytsia, Odessa, Kiev and some other areas of Ukraine, a part of the territories of the modern of Belarus, Poland, Moldova. The king Danila was an uncommon identity, the influential politician, the dexterous commander and the wonderful organizer of the state life.

An absolute master of the Galitsko-volynsky state Danila Galitskaya was during 1245-1264. In the summer in 1264 as the chronicler reports, Danila "fell. in a disease big" also died. The Saint Bogorodits_ in Holm's city is buried in church. In the chronicle it is marked: "this king Danila [was] the prince kind, brave and wise which constructed kitchen gardens мног і, and delivered churches, and decorated them with various jewelry, and bratolyubstey he shone was with the brother the Cornflower. This Danila was the second after Solomon". source

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