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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

That teach children at elementary school?

What is elementary school? Tell much about a big, crucial role of elementary school. "The strong foundation for knowledge is laid in initial classes", "Initial classes are a basis of bases", - often hear these words when it comes about shortcomings and miscalculations of training of pupils of middle and senior classes, about superficial, fragile knowledge. Elementary school is accused most often that it didn't take to children a certain detour of knowledge and abilities necessary for further training.

Yes, experience convinces that elementary school first of all has to teach to study. Outstanding teachers - as Amos Komensky, K. Ushinsky wrote about it. It is confirmed also by practice, experience of teachers. The most important task of elementary school - to take to pupils a certain detour of strong knowledge and abilities. Ability to study includes a number of the abilities connected with mastering knowledge: ability to read, write, observe the world around phenomena, to think, express the opinion. These abilities are, figuratively speaking tools without which it is impossible to seize knowledge.

Preparing for training of children in initial classes, V. A. Sukhomlinsky sought to define precisely that children have to remember deeply and store firmly in memory that they should be able to do.

But the task of elementary school isn't exhausted by it. It is impossible to forget for a minute that in initial classes the teacher deals with the child.

In the years of training in the I-IV classes - from 7 to 11 years - there is a formation of the person. Of course, this process doesn't come to an end before the termination of initial classes, and these years the most intensive piece of human life is necessary. The child during this period has to not only prepare for further training, accumulate the store of knowledge and skills successfully to study further. She has to lead rich spiritual life. Years of training in initial classes is the whole period of moral, intellectual, emotional, physical, esthetic development which will be real business, but not insignificant talk only on condition that the child leads rich life today, and not just prepares for mastering knowledge tomorrow.

Many great teachers are at our elementary schools. Each of them - not only a torch of knowledge for the child, but also the mentor, the teacher of life in true meaning of this concept. Elementary school is a strong base of the general secondary education, it is necessary to tell that in work of some elementary schools and especially initial classes of high schools there are still serious shortcomings. Vasily Aleksandrovich wrote: "At some schools the destiny of the pupil of initial classes is represented to me unenviable: the child has behind the back a bag in which the teacher seeks to enclose as it is possible bigger freight. To inform of this freight the corresponding side, that is before training in middle and senior classes - in it the teacher quite often sees meaning of life and activity of the pupil".

Elementary school has to take to the pupil a firm detour of knowledge. Any ambiguity or uncertainty in this question weakens not only elementary school, but also the subsequent links of training. Without accurate definition of a circle of knowledge, abilities, practical skills which needs to be given to the child there is no school. One of serious shortcomings of elementary education at many schools is that the teacher sometimes releases definitions from a field of vision what governed, the child has to comprehend and remember deeply on the years of training first, second, etc. what words she has to learn to write correctly and never to forget their spelling. Seeking to facilitate as much as possible brainwork of children, certain teachers forget that the child has to comprehend and remember deeply and forever keep in memory, and not just to learn something. Today speak about the general development of the pupil of initial classes much. Certainly, the general development is an extremely important element of the doctrine and education, and not less significant role is played by that elementary knowledge without which storing and strong preservation in memory can't be also the general development because the general development this constant mastering knowledge, and for this purpose is necessary ability to study.

At all exclusive importance of tasks which face elementary school it is impossible to forget that the teacher deals with the person who endures the rough period of formation of nervous system. It is impossible to look at a brain of the person as on the live device given to the teacher in finished form in order that knowledge was acquired, remembered, kept in memory. The brain of children at the age of 7-11 years is in process of rapid development.

And when the teacher forgets that it is necessary to care for development of nervous system of the person, for strengthening of a cell of bark of hemispheres, study stultifies the child.

Training shouldn't come down to continuous accumulation of knowledge, to a memory training, to cramming which stultifies, stupefies and gives nothing, except harm for health and an intellectual child development. V. A. Sukhomlinsky set to himself the object to achieve that training was a part of rich spiritual life which would promote a child development, enriched his mind. Not cramming, and interesting, various intellectual lives that will be served in the world of the fairy tale, games, beauty, music, the imagination, creativity - it will be training of his pupils.

Successful training and education of youth is impossible today without deep studying and creative implementation of pedagogical heritage of V. A. Sukhomlinsky which becomes especially urgent in the conditions of development of national education. From how V. A. Sukhomlinsky tells about elementary school, it is possible to draw such conclusion that elementary school has very important knowledge in an education system.

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