Ancient Kiev in "the Park Kievan Rus'" – architecture and spirit of a great era
Visitors can see the contour of Kiev of the X century enclosed on perimeter with defensive works which general height reaches 15 m already today.
The defensive complex is a masterpiece of medieval architecture which consists from:
nine-meter shaft (which total length makes one and a half kilometers) and partially defensive ditch, the only wooden fortification in the world – a zaborola which extent makes 300 m today
Mikhaylovsky gate of the Kiev Detints 21 m high.
Besides, the best samples of medieval town planning are recreated:
entrance gate with watchtowers
network of roads of Ancient Kiev
estates of Kiev residents of the XI XIIІ centuries
shops of the Kiev handicraftsmen of the 11-13th centuries
tower-povalusha of the XI XIIІ centuries
princely yard and stands
big and small stadia
fair of masters
camp of nomads
hill Peruna
Nestor the Chronicler's cave
Yaroslav's tower
Here expositions of the obsidional equipment, historical suits and an armor of the 5-13th centuries, musical instruments, the museum of medieval shipbuilding with a unique exhibit – a castle "Prince Vladimir" of the 9-11th centuries work.
In the territory of Detints Kiyev will also be recreated:
Ancient ancient settlement of V-IX вв
Housing of the prince Kia
Sanctuary pagan temple
Askold's palace
Palaces on the princely yard – Oleg, Igor, Svyatoslav, princess Olga
Palace of the prince of Vladimir
Sofia and Podolsk gate
Tithe church
Vasilyevsky church
Fedorovsky monastery
Andreevsky church
Krestovozdvizhenskaya Church
Yanchin monastery
Princely residence "Big Yaroslavov Yard"
Seigniorial estates, craft quarters and other civil constructions
Rotunda of the 12-13th centuries.
Other masterpieces of architecture of an era of Kievan Rus'
Pride of the Park is the First live museum of horses of historical breeds. Here more than 20 breeds of horses whose ancestors were known thousands years ago are collected and played a crucial role in development of horse breeding in the world. Among them akhaltekinets are horses of Alexander of Macedon, Genghis Khan, Darius Veliky and other great commanders; the Arab racers whose endurance and speed the tsar Solomon admired; the Boulogne horses conducting the family tree since Antique Rome; elegant and temperamental horses of the Andalusian breed on whom the Spanish kings left on parades and conquistadors submitted the New World. Visitors can admire an exterior of pearls of royal stables – friezes, the Oryol trotters, knightly brabanson, cowboy's kvoterkhors and many other horses.
Annually in the Park there take place the international cultural and historical festivals and the ancient sports championships. "The park Kievan Rus'" is the unique platform where in reliable historical surroundings large-scale medieval fights, knightly fights are recreated, the spectacular historical fight championships, tournaments of pedestrian and horse archers are held, regimentals and arms of Old Russian soldiers and medieval knights are shown, and also the culture, life and the atmosphere of Kievan Rus' is recreated.
"The park Kievan Rus'" offers a set of entertainments for guests. Here it is possible to test the accuracy in archery or knife throwing, axes and copies, with own hand to rap out a souvenir coin on princely mint, to make walk astride thoroughbred horses and in elite crews, to participate in Slavic games and entertainments, to visit master classes of national handymen, and also to organize a picturesque photoshoot in historical suits.
Bright impressions at guests, certainly, will leave the original dramatized representations, performances of horse and stunt theater, and also concerts of the best music bands executing medieval and ethnic music.
The traditional culmination of holidays in the Park is the highly topical night program with fiery shows, firing from a trebusha the burning kernels, and als
o fantastic fireworks.
Unique on scales and opportunities, having vast experience of holding festivals, the dramatized actions, competitions, exhibitions, fairs and mass festivities, Ancient Kiev in "the Park Kievan Rus'", certainly, is the ideal place for carrying out corporate holidays, weddings, family celebrations.
It is good to arrive to Ancient Kiev a family, the company, alone. It is not the dusty museum, but the live city, it is other world. Here you get practical historical experience – not only knowledge, but feeling of direct participation in the events. You will be able "to touch history" – to hear a scratch the telezhnykh of wheels, fight sounds, to try on a helmet and a chain armor, to saddle a fighting horse and to shoot at full tilt a bow, to catch smells of potter's clay and wooden constructions. You are waited by own historical opening.
Include the genetic memory and feel what means personally for you to be a part of Ancient Kiev – a source of culture and statehood of Ukraine in particular and countries of Eastern Europe in general, cradles of one of the ancient world civilizations which played the major role in development of a chelovechestva.yadrama and also fantastic fireworks.