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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Legend about the lake "Marіcheyka"

There is an interesting legend about picturesque the mountain lake Maricheyka that on the massif Chornohora in the Ukrainian Carpathians. And there was all this as the legend narrates, in an extreme antiquity. Once black carrion crows angry foes on the green and blossoming Carpathian region flew. They destroyed villages, lost the people and who escaped, escaping, went far to mountains. But enemies learned that Huzuls disappear somewhere in the dense woods, and moved a horde after them.
Maricheyka, the young wife of the shepherd Ivan, saw enemies and persuaded the husband to go and warn people. But enemies found Maricheyka and ordered to conduct to Huzuls. And the courageous woman brought them in such wild and solitudes from where and not to be chosen. Enemies became angry snatched on it. The earth began to tremble, terrible wind blew, burst a thunder... Also stones flew up into the sky, mountains moved and the lake was formed. Enemies also found the death in it. Since then the wood in honor of brave girls began to call Maiden, and the lake - Maricheyki. source

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Kievan Rus' PART TWO

Political and management system of Kievan Rus'. The political and management system of Kievan Rus' was based on princely druzhinnom the device for continuous preservation of self-government institutions of city and rural communities. Communities united in the volost - administrative and territorial units which included the cities and rural districts. Groups of volosts united to lands. Kievan Rus' was created as the individual monarchy. The grand duke Kiev which concentrated all completeness of the legislative, executive, judicial and military power in the hands was the head of the state. Advisers to the prince were "princely men" from a top of his team who received the voivode's title, and from 11th century they were called boyars. Over time there were dynasties of the boyars holding important state positions.
Internal government was exercised by numerous princely managers (posadnik, tysyatsky, butlers, tiuna, etc.). The princely power leaned on the constant military organization - a team. Druzhinnikam-posadnikam certain volosts, the cities and lands were charged in management. The national militia was formed by the decimal principle. Were at the head of separate divisions the foreman, sotsky, tysyatsky. "Thousand" made a military administrative unit. In the 12-13th centuries the form of the state changed. The relations between certain principalities developed on the principles of federation or confederation.
Social structure of Kievan Rus'. The social structure of Kievan Rus' answered its economic system. The ascendent position was held by voivodes (boyars), tysyatsky, sotsky, tiuna, the ognishchena, rural heads, a city top. The free category of rural producers was called smerda, is feudal the dependent population in Kievan Rus' there were ryadovich, purchases and derelicts. Lackeys and servants were on position of slaves.
Political dissociation of Kievan Rus' and its consequence. Kievan Rus' was one of the powerful states of the time that considerably influenced development of European civilization, however after the death of the son Vladimir Monomakh Mstislav of Vladimirovich (1132) it began to lose the political unity and was divided into 15 principalities and lands. Among them and influential the Kiev, Chernihiv, Vladimiro-Suzdalsky, Novgorod, Smolensk, Polotsk and Galitsky principalities were large.
Political prerequisites of dissociation were such:
- the succession to the throne among princes of Kievan Rus' was a miscellaneous: in one lands the power was delegated from the father to the son, in others - from the elder brother to younger;
- political connections between separate feudal possession and certain lands were weakened, development of certain lands led to emergence of local separatism;
- in certain lands the local nobility for ensuring protection of the rights demanded the strong power of the prince; with another - the real power of specific princes and boyars amplified, the power of the Kiev prince was weakened, many boyars put local interests above nation-wide;
- in the Kiev principality own dynasty as for possession of Kiev representatives of all princely childbirth combated wasn't created;
- expansion of nomads on Russian lands amplified.
Social and economic prerequisites of dissociation:
- the natural nature of economy of the Kiev state led to weakening of economic, commercial relations between certain lands;
- promptly the cities which became the political, economic and cultural centers of principalities developed;
- transformation of conditional land tenure of specific nobility in hereditary considerably strengthened an economic role of the local nobility who didn't wish to share the power;
- change of a trade environment owing to what Kiev lost a role of the center of trade, and Western Europe began to trade directly with a close descent.
Modern researches of scientists prove that feudal dissociation is a natural stage in development of medieval society. That circumstance that all people and the states of Europe endured it also testifies to it. Dissociation was caused by further feudalization of Old Russian society, distribution of social and economic development on places. If earlier Kiev was the center of all socioeconomic, political, cultural and ideological life of the country, then from the middle of the 12th century other centers already competed to it: old - Novgorod, Smolensk, Polotsk - and new - Vladimir - on - Klyazma and Galich.
Russia was torn apart by princely civil strifes, big and little wars, constantly went between feudal lords. However contrary to popular belief the Old Russian State didn't break up. It only changed a form: to the place of the individual monarchy the monarchy federal at which Russia the group of the most influential and strong princes in common ruled came. Historians call such way of government of "collective sovereignty".
Dissociation weakened the state politically, but promoted development of economy and culture on places. It, to a certain extent, laid the foundation of three East Slavic nationalities: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. The period the termination of dissociation on East Slavic lands it is considered to be the last decades of the 15th century when it was formed the Russian centralized State, and the Ukrainian and Belarusian lands got under the power of Lithuania, Poland, Hungary and Moldova.
8. Value of Kievan Rus'. Value of Kievan Rus' consists in the following:
a) Kievan Rus' became the first state of east Slavs, accelerated development of the last stage of development of a primitive-communal system into more progressive feudal; this process created favorable conditions for development of economy and culture; M. Grushevsky claimed: "Kievan Rus' is the first form of the Ukrainian statehood";
b) formation of Kievan Rus' promoted strengthening of defense capability of the East Slavic population, having prevented its physical destruction from nomads (Pechenegs, Cumans, etc.);
c) the Old Russian nationality on the basis of a community of the territory, language, culture, a mental warehouse was created;
d) Kievan Rus' lifted authority of east Slavs on Europe; the international value of Kievan Rus' consists that it affected political events and the international relations in Europe and Asia, in the Middle East; the Russian princes supported political, economic, dynastic connections with France, Sweden, England, Poland, Hungary, Norway, Byzantium;
e) Kievan Rus' laid the foundation for statehood not only the Slavic, but also non Slavic people (the Finno-Ugrian population of the North and др...);
e) Kievan Rus' acted as east outpost of the European Christian world, it constrained advance of hordes of steppe nomads, weakened their impact to Byzantium and the countries of Central Europe.

During the historical period of Kievan Rus' to the Dnieper Bank, in Galichina and on Volyna, in Black Sea Coast and Priazovye traditions of independent statehood in the territory of Ukraine were put. The territory of Kyivshchyna, Pereyaslavshchina, Chernigovo-Sivershchina, Podoliya, Galicia and Volhynia was the historic center of formation of the Ukrainian nationality. From 12th century in this territory the name "Ukraine" extends. In the course of disintegration of the Kiev state the Ukrainian nationality became an ethnic basis of lands principalities of Southwest Russia in the 12-14th centuries: Kiev, Pereyaslavsky, Chernihiv, Seversk, Galitsky, Volynsk. So, Kievan Rus' was a form of social and economic and state development of the Ukrainian ethnos. The direct successor of Kievan Rus' became Galitsko-Volynsky the knyazhestvo.evropeysky Christian world, it constrained advance of hordes of steppe nomads, weakened their impact to Byzantium and the countries of Central Europe.

Part One -

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

International day of information security

This day is celebrated on November 30 since 1988. This year the first mass computer epidemic after which experts began to think of an integrated approach to support of information security was recorded.
The mass attack of a virus of "worm" received the name by name the creator - Morris. Then 6000 nodes of the ARPANET network - predecessors of the Internet were infected that caused damage in 96 million dollars.
The author of a virus would be found hardly, however the father, the computer expert of National security agency forced to admit deeds of the graduate student of Cornell University Robert Morris it. Considering the softening circumstances, Morris was sentenced to three years of prison conditionally, to four hundred hours of public operations and to a fine of 10 500 dollars.

In 1988 the American association of a computer hardware declared on November 30 in the International afternoon ​​ information security (Computer Security Day). Since then in this the international conferences on information security accompanied with the mass of interesting actions are held.
Remember that your safety on the Internet depends only on you. Don't forget to update anti-virus programs, to use fire-walls (Firewall) and hard to determine passwords which don't report at all. Also be especially vigilant by operation on computers public. safety.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Legend of a mudflow "Long" Zakarpatye

The village Long is located in 28 km from Irshava, on river banks of Borzhava. First written mentions of the settlement of Gossumezo (угорс. Hosszúmez ő) belong before 1383. This name is translated from Ukrainian as "the Long Field" or Dolgopola. On a legend, such name is connected with a name of the local hero Dovgai.

Very long time ago the settlement was attacked by Tatars, plundered and killed people. Subsequently in the village the strong and bystry guy by the name of Dovgay grew up. Once during the Tatar attack of Dovgay began to throw into enemies of a tree as stones. Enemies were surprised with force of Dovgai, decided to receive a victory cunning and offered fight with the Tatar Kyzyl. Conditions of fight were such: if the victory is won by Dovgay - that enemies never to attack the village and if the Tatar wins - all this peasants will give in without a fight. The victory in fight was won by Dovgay, and the lost Kyzyl was spread on the earth. Birds carried a body on the mountains and there bushes with red-brown fruits of a cornel appeared. Here so, in the territory of Dovgy, Priborzhavsky and Lisichev the cornel grows. Peasants are grateful for a victory Dovgai granted the right to accept lands so much how many it will be able to bypass in a day. The young man climbed down a mountain the Mumps and in a day a run rather big territory and lodged on the plain. Subsequently still people who founded the village in the valley of the river Borzhava came from mountains. And the village began to call in honor of Dovgai - Long. source

The ancient palace Galaganov in Sokirintsakh

      The patrimonial nest known Cossack starchiskogo sorts Galaganov remained till our time in an excellent state and is the most characteristic example of palace and local architecture of Left-bank Ukraine of the end of XVII - the beginnings of the 19th century. There is this pearl of architecture in the picturesque settlement of Sokirintsy of Sribnyansky district on Chernihivshchyna.

       The palace in Sokirintsakh was built in 1823-1829 by order of the Prilutsky colonel Pavel Grigoryevich Galagan occurring from ancient Cossack старшинского, and subsequently and a noble sort. The famous Ukrainian architect Pavel Andreevich Dubrovsky was engaged in development of an architectural palace complex. The empire majestic stone palace on 60 rooms served as the entertaining residence of a family Galaganov. Magnificently dressed and artly issued complex was one of the richest and beautiful manors of the time. To a palace and park complex, except the palace, also the belltower, two churches, office wings, numerous economic constructions and stables, a greenhouse with greenhouses belonged.

      Around the palace the Sokirinsky park in the English style was created, now it is a monument of landscape gardening art of the state value. The scientist-gardener from Saxony I. E. Bisterfeld whom Pavel Galagan enticed from the relative count Miloradovich from the Lokhvitsky county was engaged in the landscape project of the park. In the village of Voronki, in a count manor Miloradovichey, Bisterfeld parted surprising beauty a garden and when Pavel Galagan saw that garden, understood what park he wants to create in Sokirintsyakh. Since 1923 Bisterfeld already disposed in Galagan's manor. And to swing to the gardener was where - the old park with oaks giants on 300 and more years and 600 more tithes of the virgin forest over the river a duck further to the south, till the most Romensky way.

     Bisterfeld broke the park of 40 hectares, constantly changed as a result of natural changes. But in 1826 the gardener died and Bisterfeld's work was continued by gardeners Redel, then Christiania. Actually construction of the park dragged on for the whole century, that is for all the time while the estate had the real owners. In the last Czech Yanichek and German Pfeyffer and the remarkable expert, the local talented gardener Efim Gapon were gardeners.

     Now in park vegetation more than 40 breeds of trees enter. A highlight of the park is the Shevchenkovsky ash-tree - the oldest tree of a garden complex. The landscape of the Sokirinsky park supplements the original rotunda, a well, bridges and other various sculptures is kept. The general landscape composition of the park is supplemented by the picturesque pond which is in the course of the river of the Duck. One of the most beautiful places of the park is the glade with steep slopes under the name "Sacred Valley". The Shevchenkovsky ash-tree - the oldest tree of the park is one more feature of Sokirinsky the park. It is considered that under this maple the well-known words of Shevchenko were written "Water from under a poplar, a ravine on the valley flows..."

      The palace Galaganov, is often called "the Ukrainian Parnassus", here outstanding cultural figures and arts - Taras Shevchenko, Lev Zhemchuzhnikov, Nikolay Lysenko, Ostap Veresay and others were frequent guests. At the estate the serf chorus and theater acted. Today the palace Galaganov attracts travelers the unique architecture and landscape works around himself.

      Now Galaganov is in the Palace Sokirinsky professional agrarian lyceum as if other place across all Chernihivshchyna wasn't. It is somehow strange and inappropriate that in the Ukrainian historical monuments and unique architectural complexes there are educational institutions. Why in Versailles or Louvre didn't create either colleges, or lyceums, these magnificent palaces became the world cultural and historical property and a tourist mecca.

sourse -

3 the fact about Ukraine/ Part Three

Ukrainian "Sahara"
Oleshkovsky sands are often called Ukrainian Sahara. The area of sands which were stretched in the territory of several districts of the Kherson region makes more than 160 thousand hectares that does them by the biggest desert of Europe. Oleshkovsky sands are well visible from space. Photos from social networks often call Oleshkovsky sands Ukrainian Sahara the Fauna is presented about 1 thousand by species of insects, 5 species of reptiles, tens of bird species. There are both wild boars, and wolves, and pheasants. But the most interesting is the fact that here the largest groups of a jerboa-emuranchika live.

The biggest drawn flag of Ukraine

The embankment on Obolon in Kiev is decorated now by a huge hundred-meter flag. At the beginning of June, 2014 it was drawn by locals. The total area of a flag makes 1700 square meters. As organizers speak, there was many work. At first they had to clear a concrete slope of a grass, to cover holes but only then to begin to paint it. On a huge flag left half-tons of yellow and blue paint.

World famous Christmas song

Shchedrik — the Christmas Ukrainian national song which received the world popularity in musical processing of Nikolay Leontovich who wrote it in 1916. In English it is known under the name "Carol of the Bells". The song was heard in many foreign movies. For example, in all the favourite movie "Home Alone" it is one of the most important soundtracks. Besides, numerous covers of Shchedrik gain the improbable number of viewings on YouTube.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Princess Olga/ Part One

Princess Olga (~ 890-11 July 969) – The great Princess Kiev, the wife of the Grand Duke Igor Ryurikovich after whose death, ruled Russia behind the early childhood of their son Svyatoslav. The name of the Princess Olga is in a source of the Russian history, and is connected with the greatest events of the basis of the first dynasty, with the first statement in Russia of Christianity and striking traits of the western civilization. After death the simple people called it cunning, church – the Saint, history - wise.

    According to the earliest Old Russian chronicle "Story of Temporary Years", the Saint grand duchess Olga equal to the apostles, in a sacred baptism Elena, came from a family of Gostomysl on the advice of which Varangians were called to reign in Novgorod, was born in the Pskov earth, in the village of Vybuty, in a pagan family from a dynasty of princes Izborsky.

In 903 she became the spouse of the grand duke Kiev Igor. After murder of the prince in 945 by the risen Drevlyans, the widow who didn't wish to marry, assigned to herself a burden of the state service at the three-year-old son Svyatoslav. The grand duchess became history as a great sozidatelnitsa of the state life and culture of Kievan Rus'.

In 954 the princess Olga for the purpose of a religious pilgrimage and diplomatic mission went to Tsargrad where with honor it was accepted by the emperor Konstantin VII Bagryanorodny. It was struck by greatness of Christian temples and the shrines collected in them.

    The sacrament of baptism over it was made by the Patriarch Constantinople Feofilakt, and the emperor became the godfather. The name to the Russian princess was named in honor of the Saint queen Elena who found the Lord's Cross. The patriarch blessed the novokreshchenny princess with the cross which is cut out from an integral piece of the Lord's Life-giving tree with an inscription: "Be updated the Russian land by the Sacred Cross, it was accepted by Olga, the blessed princess".

Upon return from Byzantium Olga jealously bore a Christian christian message to pagans, began to erect the first Christian temples: for the sake of Saint Nikolay over a tomb of the first Kiev Christian prince Askold and Sacred Sofia in Kiev over a tomb of the prince Deere, the temple of the Annunciation in Vitebsk, - on the river bank Great she saw the temple for the sake of the Holy and Zhivonachalny Trinity in Pskov for which place, according to the chronicler, was specified by it from above "Luchem of the Trisiyatelny Deity" descending from the sky "three presvetlykh of a beam".

The Saint princess Olga in 969 on July 11 passed away (the Art. style), having bequeathed openly to make burial it Christianly. Its incorruptible relics were based in tithe church in Kiev.

Marriage with the prince Igor
and beginning of government of the princess Olga

    According to "The story of temporary years" Prophetic Oleg married Igor Ryurikovich who began to govern independently since 912 to Olga in 903 that is when she already was 12 years old. This date is called in question as, according to the Ipatyevsky list of same "Story", their son Svyatoslav was born only in 942.

The legend calls Olga's homeland the village of Vybuty near Pskov, up the river Great. Olga's Saint narrates life that here her meeting with future spouse for the first time took place.

The young prince hunted "in the field of Pskov" and, wishing to get over through the river Great, saw "certain floating in the boat" and called up him to the coast. Having sailed from the coast in the boat, the prince found out that it the girl of surprising beauty is lucky.

Revenge of the princess Olga 

      Drevlyans after Igor's murder sent to his widow Olga of matchmakers to call her in marriage for the prince Mal. The princess consistently dealt shortly with elders of Drevlyans, and then resulted the people of Drevlyans in humility. The Old Russian chronicler in detail states Olga's revenge for the death of the husband:

1st revenge of the princess Olga: Matchmakers, 20 Drevlyans, arrived in a castle which Kiev residents carried and was thrown into a deep hole outside by Olga's towers. Matchmakers ambassadors were dug alive together with a castle.
And, having inclined to a hole, Olga asked them: Whether "Honor is good to you?". They answered: "Is more bitter to us than Igorevy death". Also enjoined to fill up them live; also filled up them.

2nd revenge: Olga asked to send for respect for it new ambassadors from the best husbands, as with hunting was executed by Drevlyans. The embassy from notable Drevlyans was burned in a bath while those washed, preparing for a meeting with the princess.

The princess Olga meets a body of the prince Igor
"The princess Olga meets a body of the prince Igor" V. I. Surikov's Sketch, 1915

3rd revenge: The princess with a small team arrived to lands of Drevlyans that on custom to celebrate a funeral feast on the husband's grave. Having hocused during the funeral feast of Drevlyans, Olga ordered to cut them. The chronicle reports about 5 thousand interrupted Drevlyans.

4th revenge: In 946 Olga contacted with army in a campaign Drevlyans. According to the Novgorod First chronicle the Kiev team won against Drevlyans fight. Olga walked on the Drevlyansky earth, established tributes and taxes then returned to Kiev. In PVL the chronicler made insert in the text of the Initial arch about a siege of the drevlyansky capital of Iskorostenya. On PVL after an unsuccessful siege during the summer Olga burned the city by means of birds to whose legs ordered to tie the lit tow with sulfur. A part of defenders Iskorostenya were killed, the others obeyed. The similar legend of burning of the city by means of birds is stated also by Sakson Grammatik (the 12th century) in its compilation of oral Danish legends about feats of Vikings and skaldy by Snorri Sturluson.

After punishment of Drevlyans Olga began to rule Kievan Rus' to Svyatoslav's majority, but also after that she remained the actual governor as her son the most part of time was absent in military campaigns.

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